Myeloid progenitors lose their potential to generate neutrophils when they adopt the mononuclearphagocyte lineage.
The daily clearance of physiologically dying cells is performed safely mainly by cells in the mononuclearphagocyte system.
Cells of the mononuclearphagocyte system, primarily macrophages, were identified as the early and sustained targets of EBO virus.
Multiparameter flow cytometry was used to identify mononuclearphagocyte populations among cells labeled by each route of antibody delivery.
Because promoter-distal enhancers are key to cell fate decisions, we analyzed enhancer landscapes during mononuclearphagocyte development in vivo.
Uso de mononuclear phagocytic cell em inglês
Microglia are the resident mononuclearphagocyticcells that are critical for innate and adaptive responses within the CNS.
Phagocytosis of altered red blood cells in vitro by mononuclearphagocyticcells is followed by profound depression of bystander lymphocytes' responses to antigen.